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Volume I Issue II April 2021
Name of Author :
Nurul Hasanah & Achmad Baidawi & Muthmainnah & Abdul wafi
Title of the paper :
The Analysis of Good Teacher’s Pedagogic Competence in Teaching English at the Fifth Class of SDN Pademawu Barat I
Teachers have competence in teaching in the classroom, one of them is pedagogic competence. It is the ability of a teacher to regulate the teaching and learning process in the classroom so that it runs well in accordance with the indicators of pedagogic competence. According to the explanation of the principal of SDN Pademawu Barat I that the fifth grade English teacher at SDN Pademawu Barat I was good at making lesson plans, conducting evaluations, using media. Which are pedagogical competences itself. However, the researcher wants to analyze what is meant by good in the pedagogic competence. There are three research focus in this study. The first, how the good English teacher’s pedagogic competence at the fifth class of SDN Pademawu Barat I in planing the lesson plan. The second, how the good English teacher’s pedagogic competence at the fifth class of SDN Pademawu Barat I in implementing the lesson plan. The third, how the good English teacher’s pedagogic competence at the fifth class of SDN Pademawu Barat I in taking the evaluation. It aims to analyze about the good English teacher’s pedagogic competence at the fifth class of SDN Pademawu Barat I in planning the lesson plan, implementing the lesson plan, and also taking the evaluation. The researcher used a qualitative approach, which a type of descriptive research. The researcher obtained data from documentation, observation, and interviews. The research informant was an English teacher’s at the fifth class of SDN Pademawu Barat I. Based on the results of research, the English teacher’s pedagogic competence at the fifth class of SDN Pademawu Barat I is good at planning the lesson plan although, there are some points in the curriculum 2013 that have not been implemented at all. But, in the lesson plans she can determine the purpose of the English lesson for SDMI, and also develop indicators and assessment instrument. Also, the English teacher’s pedagogic competence is good at implementing the lesson plans even if one or two activities are missed from the activity steps, she has another alternative method. So that, the English teacher pedagogical competence can apply various approaches, strategies, methods, and teaching learning techniques, and also carry out educational learning in the classroom. The English teacher’s pedagogic competence is not so good at taking the evaluation. The teacher does not make questions other than the questions that have been provided in the students handbook. The teacher does not make a question grid or question bank by herself.
Keywords :
Good Teacher’s, Pedagogic Competence
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