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Volume II Special Issue VIII November 2022
Name of Author :
Mr. S Buvanendra Bose
Title of the paper :
Breaking the Marginal Barriers in Bamas Sangati
All that comes under the test of time undergoes a severe trial until the time it reveals the Truth which would stand alone. Certain aspects pertaining to Humanity such as Morality, Benevolence, Modesty, Bravery and Equality are the values that have proved to be triumphant in the end of all tribulations. In the early creation Human race was nothing more than an omnivorous Mammal that roamed the face of the earth with no discrepancies amidst other creatures. As the knowledge developed, segregation was initialized. This segregation turned into a demand of priority which became a sense of superiority. This feeling of superiority was ranked above the existence of others and eventually resulted in the segregation of ones sect from the other. Every sect was divided into a class based on their profession. Gradually the existence of humans with certain professions were granted more rights and advantages than others. This difference was termed as the Upper Class and the Untouchables. What started as a Class distinction became a supremacy of race. This phenomenon was common with all races on earth. Whenever or wherever a Civilisation began there arose the negative side of the human aspects. The cosmic truth of equality was over shadowed by an Evil sense that was called under the mutated name of Racism. In the rural areas particularly in the southern parts of India the concept of untouchability was as nefarious as in any other places on earth where Racism was a dominant factor. With the advent of British and Christianity and along with the relentless efforts and support of some Indian Leaders, the downtrodden were facilitated to straighten their bowed backs. Education illuminated the dwellers and victims of the dark. Education developed their vocals to sound and rise in pitch until the reverberations shook the boughs of the high and mighty. The rising voice had many forms. One of such was the Dalit Literature. If the rising voice be the vibrant Music of liberty, then the Dalit Literature was its crescendo.
Keywords :
Forsaken, Marginal Barriers, Bamas Sangati
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