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Volume III Special Issue III March 2023
Name of Author :
Fr. Baiju Thomas
Title of the paper :
Fostering Communication in the Modern World: An Overview of Communication Studies for the Twenty-First Century Educational Systems
The contemporary study fosters communication in the modern world, an overview of communication studies for the twenty-first century educational systems. Communication is a basic human skill and experience. People communicate nonverbally and verbally in various ways, from a young childs first gaze to an adults intricate verbal exchanges. These behaviours serve multiple purposes, including communicating needs, sharing knowledge, and managing emotions. The four essential components of communication—reading, writing, speaking, and listening are sometimes regarded as comprising communication. Although obvious, this distinction could conceal how complicated and diverse communication is in real life. The field of communication studies is the most relevant. You have a lifetime of communication experience, even though you have probably never taken a communication studies course. Even those with the highest levels of theoretical ability and intelligence can communicate. Using this pragmatic approach as a guide, you can learn the skills and acquire the knowledge required to grow into a more engaging and ethical communicator. Communication is one of the most important qualities and skills for aspirants in the twenty-first century. Cooperation and teamwork in a global team depend on effective communication. Teachers seek persons with various communication skills and the ability to listen and speak compassionately. Good communication skills and social-emotional learning go hand in hand. Through active listening and sharing of opinions, young people can establish relationships that will allow them to work together and develop greater self- and social awareness. For students to achieve more in daily life, academia, and future careers in the workforce, teachers must actually consider the practical aspects of effective communication and how to integrate these strategies into regular courses. The identification of communication studies as a valid academic discipline. Students learning about the subject for the first time may find this well-known work useful for giving them a brief introduction to the best practice authority. The diversity of communication, which includes interaction, personal and social behavior, mass media, and popular culture, may be its most defining characteristic. It, however, maintains continuity and connections despite this variation. The leadership structure of the topic will be kept in the program. Others will use these ideas and methods to research a particular subject. A couple of the works will be wide, fundamental results intended to lay the groundwork for principles and techniques used to study a wide range of topics. It provides a theoretical foundation for a wide range of approaches to communication scenarios. With this information, the reader will be better equipped to evaluate ostensibly simple communications from various angles and decipher hidden cultural meanings in communication studies for twenty-first-century educational systems.
Keywords :
Fostering, Communication, Modern World, Overview, Communication Studies, Twenty-First Century, and Educational Systems
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